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Our books and posters are available for purchase online. You can also find the book in one of the fine local retailers listed below.

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We are currently updating our system. To buy something in the meantime, contact us at info@ottawaincolour.com

Book cover - Couverture du livre

Ottawa in Colour is 32 pages of colourable art prints featuring 22 local artist’s answers to the question “What do you love about Ottawa?

Get more and save!

  • 4 x Ottawa in Colour colouring book

A gorgeous 2 by 3 feet (60 x 90 cm) colourable poster featuring artist Amber Warren’s “Everything Ottawa”!

  • Great for group activities
  • Fun for all ages
  • Hours of fun

Get the best of both worlds!

  • 1 x Ottawa in Colour colouring book
  • 1 x Everything Ottawa colouring poster

Orders typically ship within 1 to 2 business days. For high volume orders, please contact us at info@ottawaincolour.com or order books in packs of 10.

Using a discount code

If you have a code, use it at the payment step (after check-out). Ensure you press the submit button after entering the discount code: Location of the discount code button. Emplacement du bouton de rabais.